As many people of Rathcormac are aware, the Community Council, last year, purchased the field behind the new school, consisting of 40,000 sqm with the generous help of the Parish Development Committee.

The Community Council have applied for Planning Permission to develop the field some of the drawings of which we have published below.

As you can see from the drawings, there are plans to put in a road way and parking behind the church as well as playing fields and out door exercise area along with a 1.4km path encircling the whole site. There will also be under ground water storage tanks which are necessary. The community council are also proposing a non specific playing pitch for the use of the school and community. 

Whilst there is a strong case for having a second playing pitch, the Community Council are also seeking ideas for the remaining 3 acres in particular for the use of the wider community. If you are living in the Rathcormac area and would like to make a suggestion, please let us know by filling in the contact box below.