Pillar-6 Inclusive Society

If you ever thought
“We need housing for the elderly”
“I’d love to see more cultural events in Rathcormac”
“Isn’t it wonderful how many different nationalities are in Rathcormac”

What this group will do.

Diversity and inclusion are not just characteristics of the cities. Looking at the 2016 census summary below, tells us that Rathcormac is a very diverse village. This group will work on inclusion. We all know that it is crucial to become part of a community and support each other. We have many young families and elderly ‘old Rathcormac’ in Rathcormac and the desire that is there to meet and make friends with others is part of human nature. Providing appropriate accommodation within the village is a priority for the community council particularly assisted living for the elderly, but we desperately want to help integrate the new estates and residents into the village. Drama, music, food festivals are all part of this groups motivations. People with a sense of internationalism and a desire to help look after the elderly would become part of this group. One aim could be to support efforts to have Rathcormac achieve the highest literacy rate in the country.

Currently under way in this section:

Shanowen Players Drama Group are by far the most successful aspect. RCC also have a number of musical instruments and have the intention of creating a music academy within Rathcormac. Training rooms are being developed in the ‘old school’ and hall. Integrating people through activities in the arts and cultural exchanges is our intention by making available the stage in the hall and Creating a family area in the new park.

Other areas of Interest include

Music, Drama, Food Festivals, Migrants rights

to get involved contact secretary@rathcormacvillage.com